Saturday, September 28, 2013

CPR: High Fives, Handshakes, and Hearty Discussions

Strong relationships between students and teachers are one of the hallmarks of the ACDS community, and they allow our teachers to push students to excel in and out of the classroom. With this in mind, the Middle School uses Developmental Designs to help forge these strong bonds between students and teachers. A key component of the program is the Circle of Power and Respect (CPR). The daily 25-minute sessions provide advisory groups an opportunity to explore interesting and important character building topics.

CPR sessions have three parts:

The Daily News -- Advisory groups start each session by sitting in a circle and reading The Daily News which outlines the activity for the day. The Daily News often poses a question that students will need to answer during the activity portion of CPR.
Mrs. Mosier’s Advisory reads The Daily News.
Greeting -- Once the group has read The Daily News there is time for members of the advisory to greet one another.  Greetings range from straight-forward handshakes to elaborately choreographed high-fives.  It is a great opportunity for students to practice using courteous, warm, and welcoming greetings.
Ms. Ball’s Advisory participates in a ball toss greeting.

Activity -- During the activity portion of CPR, students have fun participating in lively discussions, playing cooperative games, and engaging in team-building challenges.
The 6th grade prepares for a grade-level cooperative jump rope activity that incorporates some Spanish rhymes.

If you have a Middle Schooler, we hope that you will occasionally check-in with your son or daughter to learn about the conversations taking place in CPR.